Making the Journey to Success

Recently, since the New Year and all, I have been going over my hopes, dreams, and aspirations, like people tend to do around this time of year and I realized I have been continuing with the same pattern for so many years now with nothing but expected results, really…

I have not been able to get myself to comply with my own rules and have failed over and over when it comes to making positive progress.

One of the main issues is my lack of follow-through. It’s like a new day a whole new everything…

I never seem to have any motivation when it comes to yesterday’s project.

I like to finish something and never think of it again instead of thinking that I have tomorrow to further my ambitions I think well, it’s done as good as it’s going to get… on to something new now!

I have these ideas and it seems like once I get started on them that was all I had any inclination to do…

I expect that the landing page I created to get up and sign people up and those people will be breaking down my inbox to give me money for all the value my words have for them!

It always just sits there, hiding, I always have to go looking for it.

I expect the ads I run to work themselves out…

I think that my lead magnet is going to draw in all kinds of visitors who are ready to buy whatever I suggest… No one ever even downloads it!

I am being a bit over dramatic here but it is not too far from the actual truth.

I decided that my constant wanting to get started and stop procrastinating could only be fixed by actually doing what I am always trying to do.

I realized, “Just Do It!” is great advice but it doesn’t help you do something you don’t have the tools or knowledge to do.

Take action sounds great but what action?

In the past I looked for an activity tracker, something that I could easily employ to track my progress.

I also looked for easy instructions and I found neither.

I have to build my own journals, goal setting tools, and tracking systems.

Right now, that is what I am working on.

You will find my system below and I’d like your ideas on how to improve it, if you’ve done anything similar and how it worked for you:

I am opening up a new folder and setting it up as follows:

Main Folder: Goal Journal/Tracker

  • Sub-Folder 1: Make Goals
    • Big Tasks
      • Each big task is a folder. Inside:
        • Broken-Down Parts (Sub-Tasks):
          • Sub-folder for each part of the big task.
          • These can go on indefinitely for further breakdowns.
    • Include Tracking Documents (progress, challenges, notes).
  • Sub-Folder 2: Finished Goals
    • Archived Big Tasks
      • Folder for each completed big task. Inside:
        • Summary of Accomplishments
        • Lessons Learned/Notes
  • Sub-Folder 3: Abandoned Goals
    • Why/Why Not Folder
      • Folder for each abandoned goal. Inside:
        • Reason for Abandonment:
          • Lack of resources
          • Change of priorities
          • Unrealistic goal
          • Other reasons
        • Reflection Notes:
          • What could have been done differently
          • If the goal might be revisited later

Let me know what you think!

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