A few nights ago I was sitting here at my computer, as I often do, trying to figure out how to make money, as usual!
I realized that I have been trying to do something that no one is asking me to do.
Even longer ago, some marketer was pitching the idea that you can find what is already being marketed form like people that are selling their house, they obviously need buyers.
And, just like those who are listing their properties on Zillow or Redfin, if you can find the buyers you can make some money.
Both sides need the other and the houses that are on the market are ready to be sold. If you want to sell houses you need to find a way to get the houses for less than they are being advertised at and then be able to sell them for a profit.
As a marketer there are ways to tap into different types of buyers and different types of sellers and bring them together in the right way to make a healthy profit for yourself and for others!
This is a broad and obvious example but, the markets are all over the place and the key, seems to me to be, having a low cost supply and an abundance of buyers in the market and you should be able to quickly make lots of money.
I think this can be done, first with a free AWeber account and then with a low cost account, which grows as you do anyway, and start making money right away.
I don’t think you need a website but if you know how to set it up, have a plan to make money that is proven, then work the plan consistently you will make mnoney.
With an AWeber account and the free landing pages allowed, plus other free internet social media sites that are also free to use, you should be able to start seeing results before having to shell out any investment.
With the help of AI I will work on my Facebook page, The Credit Hack, and with my AWeber account to create a few different products and sell them to my subscribers.
To get the ball rolling, and since I’ve had an easy time finding people to talk to about credit repair, I think I can find some like-minded individuals to get some projects moving and making us some money.
I don’t think another book on credit repair is necessary. People just need to learn how to use the tools already freely available to them, like the actual laws we are obligated to adhere to and why!
-IT’s the law and it’s available, online, to anyone who bothers to look!
Maybe I can have a service where I write letters for people, for a fee, and help them get something removed from their credit. I can charge for the letter, which is custom, that I use AI to write for me, and then, help through the entire process, having them do the work and understanding what they are doing and they will never have the issues they are now having!
A lot of sentences ending in exclamation points means I need to calm down.
People are not really taught much about the importance of the law and that they are obligated to follow the laws wether they understand it or even know about it…
Getting your credit report to only show the good things that are being reported is a long and arduous journey that will teach you a lot about the law in a non-prison sort of way, in other words, there is not an easy way to get yourself in an arrestable situation while learning these laws.
You could make a career out of this knowledge but it is just something I want an understanding of to be able to keep my credit safe and favorable, be able to show people how to do it, work with others who know how to do this as a lawyer, an accountant, a banker, an investor, and realtor to leverage our collective credit profiles, networks, and knowledge base to start generating larger and larger streams of low risk and no cost to low cost, high-yielding investments.
The group is going to require that everyone has an income stream or a large chunk to invest with, which is why I am building this blog and these email lists.
On my Facebook page about credit I will constantly post about tips I know of to help people with the issues they face on their credit report. I will also post about opportunities I find to make money promoting a credit card or other line of credit.
Owning rental real estate seems like the best option but owning the notes on a piece of property may actually beat it since you aren’t responsible for it in any way, you just collect profits.
I know there are Facebook groups where people buy and sell these notes and having a group of people with great credit, ready to put it to good use, and having another group working on their credit, with jobs or a running business, can be building their personal and business credit while working with and renting from us.
There are endless possibilities and I need to work with people that have similar visions to mine that can help me organize this into a streamlined process where we can help almost anyone in almost any situation start making money and live in, comfortable, clean, and friendly environments.
That leads me back to my idea about email lists…
I know how to build landing pages, use AI to help write emails, create websites, landing pages, and create all kinds of content to post all over social media for free.
Maybe my own first real campaign and product will be an ebook about sacrifice or opportunity cost.
I realize now that I can’t create an email list for everything but There are so many ideas that I don’t really see a limit and once I get going I think I can make a lot of money for myself and for the people that work with me.
Since I can use social media and find groups about almost anything, I have plenty of markets to start farming and generating email lists and each market can turn into a stream of income.
I have experienced some actual, meaningful conversations with strangers regarding credit repair and I think that is a community where I can find a niche to bring value to others and possibly earn a commission from referring people to AWeber, or other products I use.
I can’t be an expert in everything but I can find out a whole lot about almost anything with the help of the internet.
AI is making that process even easier…
I am going to make some offers to create some email lists and see if I get any traction using Facebook groups.
The first one is going to be in credit repair.
Later I may move into stocks or my list may just end up getting offers to open up accounts at different brokers because they offer some kind of reward to me and the one signing up.
It is a practical guide to investing in stocks and options.
I can do that or a guide to using credit cards effectively, as a family of 5, and make the most of the benefits and privileges offered by the different credit cards and banking accoounts.
Anyway, I can get paid to research things I want to know anyways.
I think that’s enough of a ramble for the first day of the new year.
I am going to post on Facebook pages, groups, or write an email, create a landing page or something everyday and see how long it takes to begin generating an income online.
My product will most likely be a list of customers with the marketing system to get the customers, and a source for the product being sold, and sell that in multiple markets while I learn new skills.