You’ve probably heard about making millions of dollars overnight with a simple email list of subscribers interested in what you’re talking about. Just say a few magic words and send out the email and you’re swimming in life-changing cash and you are now free!
When you cut through the hype and realize there are real people making real money by writing emails that sell products for them what is really necessary and what is to be expected?
The easiest way I found to build an email list is to use solo ads.
It was also an easy way to lose money and waste time since none of the subscribers are genuinely interested.
Facebook ads were just a more expensive way to get subscribers that aren’t interested in buying from me.
The more I worked the more I found what doesn’t work the way it is presented.
I read tons of copywriting books, email marketing guides, YouTube videos, and tons of articles and sales pages but it never clicked for me.
I’d get sales and be happy then within a month the sales were reversed and I was in a worse place than where I started.
There are people making money and they can barely speak English much less write or make coherent content.
What is wrong with me?
Am I just wasting time or am I working on something viable and worthwhile?
Every time I get back into this realm I am starting over. The info inside my head is still there but how I use it is new.
What am I doing differently this time that is going to work?
One theme that is sticking out in my mind is that of providing value for my readers and my subscribers.
As an unsuccessful copywriter, email marketer, and affiliate product promoter, what do I have to offer that is both valuable to others and makes me money?
The possible products are endless. The topics to write about are even greater and where to restart is tough.
The hard work is figuring out what work is going to be worthwhile and what is just more wasting time.
Since this site is about copywriting and it has InBox in the domain I must stick to email marketing in some form or another.
How can I use my experiences with email marketing to turn it from failed to successful if I don’t yet have success in guiding others?
I know that buying leads and sending them a landing page can get subscribers signing up for my list. That seems like the easy part.
Getting subscribers to open the email and then purchase something is where I am missing something.
It could be that I need a larger list and I need to send out more emails but I think that it is more in the being recognized as bringing value is missing.
People read the emails I send and there is no value, it is just an ad to get someone to buy something that I have no idea if it is really good or not. Also, I don’t know if it is really going to help or not.
That is a problem for affiliate marketers, they don’t always use the products they are promoting and there are tons of new products constantly arriving on the scene that do exactly the same thing as the ones already there and knowing enough about one product is not enough and being able to know the pros and cons of more than one of these products takes lots of time.
So, The problems are first that I am promoting a product I don’t know much about and secondly I am trying to convince strangers why they need this product I don’t know anything about… not a recipe for success.
Marketing affiliate products through email is tough when you do it this way. That is what I have found.
Maybe that is what my focus should be about, identifying problems and the steps to fix them, or some form of that.
How do I go about fixing the problem of not having any subscribers for my email list? And, since experience shows that a bunch of strangers rarely open emails and even less often, actually buy from me just because they are on my list, how do I improve the quality of subscribers?
Plus, where will I even find subscribers and what should I use to get them on my list?
Some ideas just started flowing into my mind as I poured that last cup of coffee…
Lists are good for search engines and are easy to put together, especially since AI came into our lives.
I can put together some lists of books I’ve read about certain topics, lists of things or activities to avoid, pitfalls to steer clear of, and more…
Once I’ve compiled a list I need to find words to draw attention to it and I need a highly visible placement too.
Here’s another perspective or path…
Focus, choose a topic, and create a questionnaire or survey that I can post on social media to generate activity. The questionnaire helps gather data to see what topics the audience with whom I am interacting wants.
Focus is one of my weaknesses. I get excited about huge topics because of all the potential and before I find what will work for me I end up getting sidetracked and never quite get momentum going in my favor.
Consistency is another of my less-than-strong suits.
I find something interesting and instead of focusing and consistently working on it I move on to the next shiny thing, like a fish!
A list of topics that could be used as subjects for an email subscriber list is a good place to start.
Placing it in a PDF and uploading it to Google or some other free platform where subscribers can easily access it is the first step.
Making up some sort of survey that I can post on Facebook groups and contacting participants to give them access to my ideas list and more info on stuff I find through polling that they may be interested in is another means for keeping subscribers engaged.
Ask them what they want, make what they want, give them what they want, and recommend products that can help them do what they are doing and maybe earn a commission for your efforts.
This seems simple but being ethical, following all the other participants’ rules, and providing real value in an entertaining and useful manner are not as easy as the advertisers selling you their guides want you to believe.
Getting back to the topic of building an email subscriber list, these are the specific steps I am taking:
- Go to ChatGPT or Bing CoPilot and generate a list of niches where an email subscriber list makes sense to build for marketing affiliate products through email.
- Develop a survey to post on Facebook to generate traffic to my list.
- Create a landing page to collect subscriber emails and names.
- Generate helpful content based on subscriber feedback and questions or comments.
- Create or find products to offer subscribers based on findings.
Each of those steps require a more focused set of steps and a small guide focused on what I am specifically doing is a product or lead magnet I can use to offer people as a reason to give their email address to me.
This is an area of discomfort and disconnect for me. There are so many ways to skin a cat and so many of them are interesting that I get lost in indecision trying to figure out the best way for me to approach the situation.
That’s another topic I can write about, find remedies that help me and recommend them to my readers in hopes it provides as much value for them as it has for me.
Lists, surveys, and recommendations are what I am aiming to provide for my subscribers to keep them interested, build trust, deliver value, and earn me a healthy income.
How to create a survey, questionnaire, or quiz to build a subscriber email list.