
How to Create a Survey, Questionnaire, or Quiz to Build a Subscriber Email List

The point of creating a survey, questionnaire, or quiz to build a subscriber email list, is to aWhile this topic is pretty specific, there are many different methods to make this idea work so just like you must choose so too must a choice be made as to the way the method is going to be described in this post.

My site is named InBoxCopywrite.com and I chose that name because I want to make money with email copy. The quizzes, questionnaires, and surveys all allow me to ask people what they want to know about that I know about or can find out for them.

I have ideas already pouring through my mind about ways to make money helping others correct their credit reports, remove negative information, and sue creditors and debt collectors for any wrongdoing. I could provide valuable information about the laws and I can help write dispute letters and I can also help take creditors and debt collectors to court if needed to get myself paid and get my clients paid.

At first, when I began writing this post I was trying to think of a way to create some sort of guide about writing emails that sell and creating this post about building an email list using quizzes, etc., to have some useful content to add value to this site when I can use this site to track the progress of my use of the information I am learning about copywriting.

This topic is still very important and the way I use it for credit services is going to be tricky. There are many services available similar to AWeber.com that allow you to build a subscriber email list and it comes with the ability to build a landing page so you don’t need a website.

I will create a list of these sites and use a few until some topic or list I build picks up steam and I am able to make more money from it by spending more time on it.

The credit niche has been a huge interest of mine for many years and I’ve read countless books on the topic. I know more than most people about credit and credit reporting. I know about “credit repair” and I know a lot about the conspiracies out there.

By polling an audience I can find out what to provide for subscribers. I can ask what they’d prefer, and both are things I can provide.

Monetizing what I do is another part of the puzzle. I know that anyone can read the Fair Credit Reporting Act or the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act themselves and write dispute letters and sue creditors and debt collectors for violating their rights as a consumer but most people have no clue.

I have spent the time to learn the industry and have experience in it. The info and skills I have are valuable and I can describe the DIY processes to others and provide personalized assistance for a price.

That is one avenue and others are already spinning around the old noggin! Marketing efforts for the credit information list can be content when documented here. This can show some credibility to the info on copywriting I find and recommend.

How to Build an Email Subscriber List

You’ve probably heard about making millions of dollars overnight with a simple email list of subscribers interested in what you’re talking about. Just say a few magic words and send out the email and you’re swimming in life-changing cash and you are now free!

When you cut through the hype and realize there are real people making real money by writing emails that sell products for them what is really necessary and what is to be expected?

The easiest way I found to build an email list is to use solo ads.

It was also an easy way to lose money and waste time since none of the subscribers are genuinely interested.

Facebook ads were just a more expensive way to get subscribers that aren’t interested in buying from me.

The more I worked the more I found what doesn’t work the way it is presented.

I read tons of copywriting books, email marketing guides, YouTube videos, and tons of articles and sales pages but it never clicked for me.

I’d get sales and be happy then within a month the sales were reversed and I was in a worse place than where I started.

There are people making money and they can barely speak English much less write or make coherent content.

What is wrong with me?

Am I just wasting time or am I working on something viable and worthwhile?

Every time I get back into this realm I am starting over. The info inside my head is still there but how I use it is new.

What am I doing differently this time that is going to work?

One theme that is sticking out in my mind is that of providing value for my readers and my subscribers.

As an unsuccessful copywriter, email marketer, and affiliate product promoter, what do I have to offer that is both valuable to others and makes me money?

The possible products are endless. The topics to write about are even greater and where to restart is tough.

The hard work is figuring out what work is going to be worthwhile and what is just more wasting time.

Since this site is about copywriting and it has InBox in the domain I must stick to email marketing in some form or another.

How can I use my experiences with email marketing to turn it from failed to successful if I don’t yet have success in guiding others?

I know that buying leads and sending them a landing page can get subscribers signing up for my list. That seems like the easy part.

Getting subscribers to open the email and then purchase something is where I am missing something.

It could be that I need a larger list and I need to send out more emails but I think that it is more in the being recognized as bringing value is missing.

People read the emails I send and there is no value, it is just an ad to get someone to buy something that I have no idea if it is really good or not. Also, I don’t know if it is really going to help or not.

That is a problem for affiliate marketers, they don’t always use the products they are promoting and there are tons of new products constantly arriving on the scene that do exactly the same thing as the ones already there and knowing enough about one product is not enough and being able to know the pros and cons of more than one of these products takes lots of time.

So, The problems are first that I am promoting a product I don’t know much about and secondly I am trying to convince strangers why they need this product I don’t know anything about… not a recipe for success.

Marketing affiliate products through email is tough when you do it this way. That is what I have found.

Maybe that is what my focus should be about, identifying problems and the steps to fix them, or some form of that.

How do I go about fixing the problem of not having any subscribers for my email list? And, since experience shows that a bunch of strangers rarely open emails and even less often, actually buy from me just because they are on my list, how do I improve the quality of subscribers?

Plus, where will I even find subscribers and what should I use to get them on my list?

Some ideas just started flowing into my mind as I poured that last cup of coffee…

Lists are good for search engines and are easy to put together, especially since AI came into our lives.

I can put together some lists of books I’ve read about certain topics, lists of things or activities to avoid, pitfalls to steer clear of, and more…

Once I’ve compiled a list I need to find words to draw attention to it and I need a highly visible placement too.

Here’s another perspective or path…

Focus, choose a topic, and create a questionnaire or survey that I can post on social media to generate activity. The questionnaire helps gather data to see what topics the audience with whom I am interacting wants.

Focus is one of my weaknesses. I get excited about huge topics because of all the potential and before I find what will work for me I end up getting sidetracked and never quite get momentum going in my favor.

Consistency is another of my less-than-strong suits.

I find something interesting and instead of focusing and consistently working on it I move on to the next shiny thing, like a fish!

A list of topics that could be used as subjects for an email subscriber list is a good place to start.

Placing it in a PDF and uploading it to Google or some other free platform where subscribers can easily access it is the first step.

Making up some sort of survey that I can post on Facebook groups and contacting participants to give them access to my ideas list and more info on stuff I find through polling that they may be interested in is another means for keeping subscribers engaged.

Ask them what they want, make what they want, give them what they want, and recommend products that can help them do what they are doing and maybe earn a commission for your efforts.

This seems simple but being ethical, following all the other participants’ rules, and providing real value in an entertaining and useful manner are not as easy as the advertisers selling you their guides want you to believe.

Getting back to the topic of building an email subscriber list, these are the specific steps I am taking:

  1. Go to ChatGPT or Bing CoPilot and generate a list of niches where an email subscriber list makes sense to build for marketing affiliate products through email.
  2. Develop a survey to post on Facebook to generate traffic to my list.
  3. Create a landing page to collect subscriber emails and names.
  4. Generate helpful content based on subscriber feedback and questions or comments.
  5. Create or find products to offer subscribers based on findings.

Each of those steps require a more focused set of steps and a small guide focused on what I am specifically doing is a product or lead magnet I can use to offer people as a reason to give their email address to me.

This is an area of discomfort and disconnect for me. There are so many ways to skin a cat and so many of them are interesting that I get lost in indecision trying to figure out the best way for me to approach the situation.

That’s another topic I can write about, find remedies that help me and recommend them to my readers in hopes it provides as much value for them as it has for me.

Lists, surveys, and recommendations are what I am aiming to provide for my subscribers to keep them interested, build trust, deliver value, and earn me a healthy income.

How to create a survey, questionnaire, or quiz to build a subscriber email list.

How to Use AI for Business Growth: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs


Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of business, offering new opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs and small business owners. AI can help automate tasks, optimize processes, enhance creativity, and generate insights that can boost productivity and profitability. However, many entrepreneurs and small business owners are unsure how to leverage AI for their business, or where to start. In this article, we will explore some of the best AI tools and strategies for business growth, as well as introduce you to the AI Productivity Accelerator, a comprehensive course that will teach you how to use AI to supercharge your online business.

AI Tools for Productivity

One of the main benefits of AI is that it can help you get things done faster and better, without hiring a team or breaking the bank. There are many AI tools available that can assist you with various aspects of your business, such as:

  • Marketing Strategies: You can use AI tools to uncover proven marketing strategies that leverage AI to target your ideal audience and maximize your reach. For example, you can use tools like MarketMuse or Frase to analyze your competitors’ content and identify gaps and opportunities in your niche.
  • Social Media Content Creation: You can use AI tools to create captivating and share-worthy content, ensuring you stand out in the crowded social media landscape. For example, you can use tools like Lumen5 or InVideo to create engaging videos from your blog posts or articles.
  • Email Marketing: You can use AI tools to master the art of AI-driven email marketing campaigns that drive conversions and nurture customer relationships. For example, you can use tools like Phrasee or Persado to generate personalized and persuasive subject lines and email copy.
  • Copywriting: You can use AI tools to develop persuasive copywriting skills with AI-powered tools that assist in crafting compelling headlines, persuasive sales letters, and irresistible call-to-action. For example, you can use tools like Copy.ai or Jarvis to generate high-quality copy for your website, landing pages, ads, and more.

  • YouTube Video Creation: You can use AI tools to unlock the potential of AI for YouTube video creation, from generating video ideas to scripting assistance. For example, you can use tools like VidIQ or TubeBuddy to optimize your YouTube channel and videos for SEO and discoverability.
  • Press Releases: You can use AI tools to leverage AI tools to craft compelling and newsworthy press releases that grab attention and generate media coverage. For example, you can use tools like PRGenie or Press Hunt to create and distribute press releases to relevant journalists and outlets.
  • SEO-Optimized Blog Articles: You can use AI tools to discover AI-driven content generation techniques that streamline the process of creating SEO-friendly blog posts without sacrificing quality. For example, you can use tools like Topic or Rytr to generate blog post outlines, headlines, introductions, and conclusions based on your keywords.
  • Writing Compelling Ads: You can use AI tools to master writing persuasive ads that captivate your audience and drive conversions using Ai tools. For example, you can use tools like AdZis or Adzooma to create effective ad copy for platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and more.
  • Handling Customer Service: You can use AI tools to utilize AI-powered tools to manage inquiries and deliver exceptional customer support at scale. For example, you can use tools like Zendesk or Intercom to create chatbots that can answer common questions, provide information, and resolve issues.

These are just some of the many AI tools that can help you boost your productivity and grow your business. However, it’s not enough to just use these tools—you need to know how to use them effectively.

Navigating Startup Ecosystem

Another benefit of AI is that it can help you navigate the startup ecosystem and find opportunities for growth and funding. There are many resources available that can help you connect with other entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, and experts who can support your business journey. Some of these resources include:

  • AI Accelerators: These are programs that provide startups with mentorship, training, funding, networking, and access to resources in exchange for equity or a fee. Some examples of AI accelerators are Microsoft for Startups, Google Launchpad, Y Combinator, and Techstars.
  • AI Incubators: These are similar to accelerators but focus more on providing startups with physical space, infrastructure, equipment, and technical support. Some examples of AI incubators are IBM Alpha Zone, Amazon Alexa Incubator, Intel AI Builders, and NVIDIA Inception.
  • AI Programs: These are initiatives that offer startups with various benefits such as grants, discounts, credits, exposure, partnerships, and more. Some examples of AI programs are AWS Activate, Facebook Start, Stripe Atlas, and HubSpot for Startups.

These are just some of the many resources that can help you grow and scale your business with AI. However, finding the right ones for your business can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s why you need a guide that can help you navigate the startup ecosystem and find the best opportunities for your business.

AI Productivity Accelerator Review

If you’re looking for a comprehensive course that will teach you how to use AI to supercharge your online business, then you should check out the AI Productivity Accelerator. This course will guide you through integrating AI into every aspect of your business, from marketing to customer service. You will learn how to use various AI tools and strategies to get things done faster and achieve better quality results than you ever thought possible. You will also get access to invaluable insights and case studies from experts who have successfully used AI to grow their businesses.

Here are some of the features and benefits of the AI Productivity Accelerator:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers various aspects of online business, such as marketing, social media, email, copywriting, video, press releases, SEO, ads, and customer service. It also provides real-world case studies and insights on how to use AI effectively.
  • Expert Instructors: The course is taught by Alicia Lyttle, a successful online entrepreneur who has made over eight figures with her online business. She is also joined by other guest instructors who are experts in their fields and have used AI to achieve amazing results.
  • Bonuses and Benefits: The course offers several bonuses, such as AI-driven traffic generation, voice cloning, book writing, image creation, onboarding, and launch plan. It also promises to help you reclaim your time, focus on what matters, and achieve better results than ever before.
  • Affordable Price: The course is priced at $197 per month for four months, which is a fraction of what you would pay for hiring a team or outsourcing your tasks. You also get a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the course.

The AI Productivity Accelerator is a must-have course for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to take their business to the next level with AI. It will teach you everything you need to know about using AI tools and strategies to boost your productivity and profitability. Don’t let overwhelm hold you back any longer. Join the AI Productivity Accelerator today and unlock your true potential.

A group of entrepreneurs and small business owners smiling and holding devices with AI icons. Image 2 of 4

Also Check Out:

Powerful AI Course Transforms Your Online Business

How to Start Copywriting as a Beginner: Mastering the Basics

Opening Act

How to start copywriting as a beginner?

First, on your journey to start copywriting as a complete beginner newbie, step into the arena of ideas, where the pen transforms into a mighty sword, and words become an impenetrable shield. Copywriting is more than mere writing; it’s the art of persuasion, a dance of words that sells products, services, or ideas with eloquence and finesse.

The Basics of Copywriting

What is Copywriting?


How to Start Copywriting as a Beginner

How to Start Copywriting as a Beginner



Copywriting is the crafting of persuasive messages that beckon action. It’s the subtle art of selling without appearing to sell, persuading without overt coercion. It’s about making your reader feel an undeniable need for what you’re offering.

Types of Copywriting

In the vast expanse where a copywriter wields their pen, there are realms like SEO copywriting, advertising copywriting, and website copywriting, each with distinct challenges and rewards but united by a common goal – persuasion.

Essential Skills to Start Copywriting as a Beginner

Writing Skills Needed to Start Copywriting as a Beginner

Grammar and punctuation form the bricks and mortar of your copy castle. A rich vocabulary lets you paint vivid landscapes in your reader’s mind. Clarity and conciseness, your trusty companions – say what you must and nothing more.

Understanding Your Audience

A masterful copywriter comprehends their audience as intimately as they know themselves. Research your audience, grasp their needs and desires, and speak their language.

The Art of Persuasion

Copywriting is the art of persuasion, inked on paper. Learn this art – presenting benefits, overcoming objections, and issuing a compelling call to action.

SEO Knowledge

In this digital era, a copywriter dons the hat of an SEO virtuoso. Grasp the inner workings of search engines, master the dance of keywords, and craft content that speaks to both humans and algorithms.

Recommended Resources for Starting Copywriting as a Beginner

For the budding wordsmith, resources abound – books by advertising maestros, How to Start Copywriting, From Novice to Wordsmith, online courses, blogs by victorious copywriters, and podcasts unraveling the mysteries of marketing and advertising.

Curtain Call

Copywriting is a craft that can be honed and mastered. With dedication and unwavering practice, you too can wield the enchantment of words to persuade and sell. So, grasp that pen (or keyboard) and let the words flow!

Remember, in the realm of copywriting, as in life – “Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.”

How to Start Copywriting, From Novice to Wordsmith

Unleashing Your Inner Wordsmith: An Introduction to Copywriting

In the digital landscape, copywriting has emerged as a vital skill. It’s the craft of creating compelling marketing text (copy) that motivates the reader to take action – be it purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or engaging with a brand. If you’re intrigued by becoming a copywriter, you’re in the right place.

What You Need to Start Copywriting

To embark on your copywriting journey as a beginner, you’ll need some basic tools: a computer, an internet connection, a word processor, and a grammar checker. But beyond these, you’ll need a passion for writing and an eagerness to learn. The world of copywriting offers numerous benefits such as flexibility, creativity, and the potential for a rewarding income.

How to Choose Your Niche and Audience

One of the initial steps in your copywriting journey is identifying your niche and audience. This involves researching various markets and pinpointing their needs and desires. Once you’ve identified your niche, you can tailor your copy to resonate with your specific audience.

How to Write Copy That Sells

Crafting copy that sells is an art form that combines creativity and strategy. It involves understanding your audience’s needs and desires, creating captivating headlines, writing persuasive body copy, and designing compelling calls to action. We’ll provide examples of effective and ineffective copywriting to help you discern what works and what doesn’t.

How to Use AI to Enhance Your Copywriting

AI can be an invaluable ally in enhancing your copywriting skills in this digital era. AI can assist in idea generation, optimizing your copy for SEO, and checking grammar and spelling errors, among other tasks. We’ll introduce you to some AI tools that can streamline your copywriting process.

The Wordsmith’s Journey: Concluding Thoughts on Starting Copywriting

Embarking on a career in copywriting is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for learning and growth. With the right tools and guidance at your disposal, you can craft copy that not only sells but also resonates with your audience. So why wait? Kickstart your copywriting journey today! We welcome any questions or feedback you may have.

How to Make Money with Email Copywriting: Your Path to Profit

A laptop showing an email icon and money flying out of the screen.

Email copywriting can help you generate more income from your email list.

Email copywriting serves as both an art and a science, weaving together the skills needed to craft emails that persuade, inform, and captivate your audience. Be it to sell a product, promote a service, or narrate a compelling story, email copywriting is your ally in achieving your objectives and driving business growth.

But how can you harness email copywriting to turn a profit? How can you create email content that yields tangible results? And how can you secure clients and projects that reward your expertise generously?

Get the Money Making, Secret Email System Here

Within this article, we will address these inquiries and more, guiding you through the process of monetizing your email copywriting skills by following these key steps:

  • Mastering the art of crafting effective email copy.
  • Identifying lucrative clients and projects in the realm of email copywriting.
  • Navigating the intricacies of setting your rates and skillfully negotiating with clients.

Upon concluding this reading, you will possess a well-defined comprehension of how to convert your email copywriting prowess into revenue and commence your very own flourishing email copywriting enterprise. Let’s embark on this journey.

Copywriting, Money-Making, Email

Crafting effective email copy that sells, entails a blend of creativity and strategy. To excel in this endeavor, you must consider various elements, including your audience, objectives, tone, and format. Below, we offer insights and examples on crafting persuasive and engaging email copy tailored to diverse purposes and contexts.

Understanding Your Audience:

Before penning a word, you must intimately understand your audience. What are their needs, desires, obstacles, and aspirations? What are their pain points and aspirations? How can your words assist them in resolving problems or achieving their goals? Leverage these insights to tailor your message to your audience effectively.

Clarifying Your Purpose:

Next, it’s imperative to identify the chief goal of your email. Is it to educate, entertain, inspire, or persuade? What action do you want your readers to take after engaging with your email? Whether it’s clicking a link, signing up for a trial, making a purchase, or simply responding to your email, your purpose should be evident and accompanied by a compelling call to action.

Tuning Your Tone:

Your tone is the vehicle through which your personality and attitude are conveyed via your words. It can oscillate between formal and informal, friendly and professional, humorous and serious, depending on the context and your relationship with the reader. Your tone must harmonize with both your purpose and your audience’s expectations.

A happy customer reading an email with a catchy subject line and a clear call-to-action.

Email copywriting can help you create emails that attract and delight your customers.

Formatting for Impact:

Your format encompasses the structure and organization of your email. Though the structure may vary based on the email’s type and length, it should generally adhere to these principles:

  • Employ an eye-catching subject line to seize attention and pique curiosity.
  • Utilize a personalized salutation, addressing the reader by name.
  • Initiate with a captivating introduction that captivates the reader and introduces the subject.
  • Employ subheadings and bullet points to break up the text and spotlight key points.
  • Incorporate visuals such as images and videos to enhance visual appeal and bolster your message.
  • Employ concise paragraphs and sentences for improved readability and scanability.
  • Weave transitions and connectors to establish logical flow and cohesion.
  • Conclude with a clear call-to-action, instructing the reader on their next steps.
  • Wrap up with a friendly sign-off that expresses gratitude and encourages a response.

Now, let’s explore examples of effective email copy tailored to different objectives:


Example 1: How to Make Money with Inbound Marketing Email & Copywriting

Objective: Attract and nurture leads with valuable content.

Subject line: “Master the Art of Copywriting and Boost Your Income – Even as a Beginner”

Hi [Name],

Eager to learn how copywriting can fatten your wallet?

In today’s digital landscape, copywriting is a hot commodity. It’s also a lucrative avenue for online earnings.

But, where do you begin as a copywriting novice? How do you locate high-paying clients and projects? And, crucially, how do you craft copy that converts?

We’re here to unravel these mysteries in our exclusive guide.

Within these virtual pages, you’ll unearth:

  • The essence of copywriting and its pivotal role in the digital realm.
  • Strategies for selecting a profitable niche and specializing within it.
  • Tips for constructing a portfolio showcasing your prowess to allure clients.
  • Techniques for crafting captivating headlines, engaging intros, persuasive body copy, and irresistible calls-to-action.
  • Insights into optimizing your copy for SEO and conversions.
  • And a treasure trove of additional wisdom!

This guide is your stepping stone to copywriting success, designed with beginners in mind. But act swiftly—this opportunity has a shelf life.

To snag immediate access, simply click the link below and input your email address.

Unlock the World of Copywriting

Don’t let this chance to master copywriting and bolster your income slip away.

Grab your free guide now and launch your copywriting journey today!


[Your Name]

Example 2: Outbound Sales Email

Objective: Generate interest and initiate a conversation.

Subject line: “Supercharge Your Email Open Rates by 300% – Let’s Talk!”

Hi [Name],

I’m [Your Name], a seasoned email copywriter and the brains behind InBoxCopywrite.com.

My mission? To help online businesses, just like yours, create emails that captivate, compel, and convert.

Why am I reaching out to you? Because I’ve noticed your email open rates are currently lagging behind industry norms.

And that means you’re leaving valuable connections and sales on the table.

But don’t fret; I’ve got a solution tailor-made for you.

Introducing a proven system that can boost your email open rates by a staggering 300% in a mere 30 days.

How does it work?

It’s straightforward. I’ll dissect your current email strategy, pinpoint its weak spots, and fashion a personalized plan to supercharge it.

Then, I’ll craft high-impact email copy that grabs your audience’s attention, ignites curiosity, and inspires action.

What’s included:

  • Attention-grabbing subject lines that shine in crowded inboxes.
  • Personalized greetings to foster rapport and trust.
  • Engaging intros that hook your readers and introduce your topic.
  • Clear, concise content structured with subheadings and bullet points.
  • Visual aids such as images and videos to bolster your message.
  • Reader-friendly paragraphs and sentences.
  • Smooth transitions and connectors for logical flow.
  • Crystal-clear calls-to-action guiding your readers.
  • A warm sign-off inviting responses.

All that’s left for you is to copy and paste the email content into your marketing platform and hit “send.”

Prepare to witness immediate spikes in your email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Sounds enticing, doesn’t it?

If you’re intrigued, I have a special proposition for you.

For a limited time, I’m extending an offer for a complimentary consultation call. During this call, I’ll evaluate your current email strategy and provide tips for improvement. Plus, I’ll sweeten the deal with a 20% discount on your inaugural email copywriting project with me.

No strings attached—only potential rewards.

To claim your gratis consultation call and secure your 20% discount, simply reply to this email with a “Yes.” I’ll be in touch promptly.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to amplify your email open rates by 300% within 30 days.

Hit “reply” now and let’s set our plans into motion.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]


Get the Money Making, Secret Email System Here

Get Clicks On Email Links

I just got an email from James Neville-Taylor that has no links and like the email suggests it gives only helpful advice.

The advice is to give value to your subscribers too. Don’t put links to products you want to sell in every email and make everything seem like, “HEY! Buy this stuff from me! It’s the bestest most greatest-est thing ever!”

I have another guru, Igor Kheifets says to sell in every email you send out…

Both gurus appear to be highly successful at what they do, but which one has the advice to help me? Will my list like and trust me more, enough to buy from me, if I send some emails that aren’t promotional in nature or will I get more sales by continuously promoting products in every email?

Personally, I think that both tactics are really Igor’s tactics.

Although James isn’t directly selling in the email he is trying to set himself apart as the helpful guy who isn’t out to get your money, he cares about you and wants to “help” you make money.

He’s just using a different method to get in your head and urge you to trust him and buy from him.

Since both of these guys have proof out there that they are successful at making money online through email marketing the choice is yours.

Keep testing what feels right to you and your moral compass.

One thing that James said in his message is that marketers who only sell give their subscribers the impression that they are only there to be taken advantage of.

Igor argues with a metaphor or analogy (I still get those mixed up) and says, if you had the cure for cancer would you hesitate to tell people about it? It could save their life but do you wait to sell it to them because you don’t want to appear needy or do you want to help save lives?

Personally, I feel like I need to be upfront and direct like Igor. I am an internet marketer. I find products that can help people in some aspect of their life and want to let people know as soon as possible and feel good about it because I earn a commission when my subscriber follows my suggestion and makes their life better with the products I recommend.

And, just like my emails that promote a product I like to shine light on products that are getting me results.

The Secret Email System by Matt Bacak is a $5.60 product that has quadrupled my click through rate on my emails.

I have been studying copywriting and email marketing. Some of the products I used to study copywriting had advice that gave me some beneficial results.

The Secret Email System has these email swipes and a video on how to custom taylor them and I followed the advice and my most recent email received 4 times as many click throughs than my average.

I have another broadcast using a similar email as the last one to see if I can generate a higher click through rate than my average.

I need more subscribers so I can run more tests on a larger test population.

Before I sign off I wanted to mention another part of the Secret Email System’s plan: Promote affiliate products to find what sells the best then create a similar product to sell.

Lately, the best selling products are AI built business apps.

I see email marketing and copywriting as an essential part of the business that need to be studied and understood even if you have AI generating it for you. Copywriting has brought my results as far as getting interaction with my audience through list sign-ups, email open rates and clicking through to the offer from my email.

Once I get a large enough population to test the offers I will be able to set up more accurate tests and get more reliable results.

Secret Email System Customer Review

The Secret Email System has been generating buzz among marketers looking to up their email marketing game.

As an experienced email marketer myself, I was intrigued to try it out and see how it compared to other systems I’ve used in the past.

I found that the Secret Email System is a valuable resource that provides a comprehensive guide to building a profitable online business through email marketing.

To delve deeper into the effectiveness of the Secret Email System, I interviewed several other users to gain their insights.

The consensus was that the system provided clear, actionable steps for creating successful email campaigns and building a sustainable business.

One user even reported a 200% increase in revenue after implementing the strategies outlined in the system.

In my own experience, the Secret Email System saved me time and energy by eliminating the guesswork and trial-and-error that often accompanies email marketing.

By using the provided email swipes, I saw a significant improvement in open rates and click-through rates, which translated into higher conversion rates and more revenue.

When compared to other email marketing systems, the Secret Email System stands out for its focus on building a sustainable business model rather than simply driving short-term sales.

It provides a detailed explanation of the principles and strategies behind successful email marketing and offers a step-by-step blueprint for putting them into action.

This approach has been used by successful marketers for years, and the system provides a clear path for applying these strategies to your own business.

The Secret Email System is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their email marketing and online business skills.

By providing original research, such as interviews with other users and comparative analysis with other systems, we can confidently say that this product delivers on its promise to help you build a profitable, sustainable business that gives you the freedom and flexibility you desire.

And with a $31.40 discount currently available, there’s no better time to invest in your future success.

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